Gardening Features

How To: Control bugs in the garden

In this gardening how to video. Dave looks at some of the options you have for controlling garden pests. This video teaches you some organic and not so organic ways to control bugs. Watch this video and you will be ridding your garden of insects the enviromentally friendly way.

How To: Grow four easy vegetables in your garden

Fresh veggies are the tastiest way to eat right. They are delicious, as fresh as can be, nutritious and best of all.. free! In addition to all of that, you get the satisfaction of growing your dinner all by yourself. In this tutorial, learn how to plant four vegetables that are so easy anyone can grow them. Even the most inexperienced gardener will be able to make these four veggies grow.

How To: Grow garlic in your home garden

Garlic is good for you and adds great flavor to your cooking. Add this versatile plant to your garden this fall and in no time at all you'll be pulling up fantastic cloves of fresh, home grown garlic that you can use and share with your neighbors.

How To: Start a perennial garden

Our gardening expert will explain how to set up your perfect perennial plant business. Learn which plants go together, how to position the plants for just the right amount of sun, and how to determine if your adjustment has been successful. Are the flowers, shrubs and grasses happy after all of the work you have put in to meet their needs? Once you have mastered the basic care and maintenance of your garden, then you can concentrate on working toward exactly the look you want. Martha Cycz dis...

How To: Choose colorful flowers & shrubs for the garden

This video makes suggestions in how to choose colorful flowers and shrubs in your garden. Bowle’s Mauve is a purple flowering plant that will grow and bloom until fall. It will become bushy. Another colorful choice is the Rock Rose, a pinkish flower. The Blue Salvia has blue flowers. A Bank’s Rose, only bloom for a short time. It has yellow or white flowers. Aphids tend to attack it, but it is hearty.

How To: Choose pansies, chrysanthemums & asters

Curtis Smith and Jim Sais describe how to choose pansies, chrysanthemums and asters. Pansies are very small plants and they come in different varieties and sizes such as dancing bears . The face of the pansies is very exact and the right fertilizer will cause them to grow successfully. Amended soil will work best for pansies. Chrysanthemums are spectacular plants and they can be used in containers as well. They signify a fair well to summer. When they are finished blooming, you should be able...

How To: Grow and juice wheatgrass

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to grow and juice wheatgrass. Take wheat seed in a bucket, add little bit of compost and wet it with water. Take a tray, make few holes in the bottom, put newspaper, fill the tray with compost up to halfway, spread the wheat seeds and cover the tray with newspaper. After a day or two, remove the paper and put the sprouts in shade. Wait for 8 – 10 days and the wheat grass is ready. Then cut it with love with scissors, wash it thoroughly...

How To: Grow vegetables late in the season

Come the fall, your garden is probably going to be looking pretty spare. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are vegetables that will thrive in the fall. In this Growing Wisdom gardening tutorial, you'll learn how to grow vegetables in the cooler months.

How To: Plant garden roses in containers

Planting roses can make your home beautiful, but there is more to planting roses than just picking one from your local nursery. Selecting a rose that will stay in scale with the container without much heavy pruning can make all the difference in having healthy, long-lasting, producing rose bushes.

How To: Raise organic vegetables

One of the hottest trends in gardening and nutrition is organically grown produce. Fruit and vegetables that are grown without the use of chemicals or stimulants are proven to be healthier for your body. In these videos our expert will teach you all the necessary steps to getting you own organic garden up and running. You will learn all about the different types of tools needed for organic gardening, as well as tips for choosing a garden site and planning your organic garden.

How To: Create a drought resistant garden

If the thought of drought resistant plants makes you picture only cactus and succulents, think again. There are many other beautiful plants that can help you conserve water. This gardening tutorial teaches you how to create a xeriscape or drought resistant landscape. These plants do need to be watered regularly at first but once they have developed their root system you can pretty much leave them to fend for themselves.

How To: Sow seeds in a raised bed garden

This video describes how to have a raised garden bed. You can use your raised garden bed for most all vegetables. They are using this one for winter vegetables and early spring ones. A good hint was to line 3 seeds up end to end and that is the depth you need to plant them. Lettuce was the vegetable that was shown. Thinning out the bed is very important as not to crowd the plants. A point made was that you can eat the ones that you thin out or use them in a compost pile. Keeping the seedlings...

How To: Choose a daylily variety for your garden

There are many different types of daylilies, and this video shows the different varieties and how to care for them. First they show a variety called Double Cutie and explain that you need to take off the wilted blossoms to get more blooms the following year. If the leaves are striped, it means there is an iron deficiency in the soil, and there are products you can get for that. There is a variety of daylily that is almost white, called Tuscawilla Tranquility. There are no daylilies that are p...

How To: Identify if you are using too mcuh fertilizer

In this video, we learn how to identify common tree problems. If you use too much fertilizer you can find a burn scar that is left on the bark of the tree. You can avoid this by making sure fertilizer spikes are placed away from the tree. Tree splitting is also an obvious sign that a tree is in bad shape and needs to be cut and taken down. A common leaf problem is Pear Slug Damage. A great way to help this to use wood ash on the tree, which will kill the insects that cause this and it's safe ...

How To: Harvest worms for shipment

In this video Christy Ruffner will show you the process involved in harvesting worms for shipment. The container used in the video is an oil changing pan. The pan is filled with worms and bedding. Simply rake your fingers on the top of the bedding and remove the worms to another pan. You need to feed and water the worms properly. Then, the worms will be congregated on the upper portion of the bedding. Once all the worms are separated, weigh them and then add an equal amount of bedding. If you...

How To: Make and use compost

Interested in making and using your own compost? Fortunately, as this home gardening guide from the British National Trust demonstrates, it's quite easy to do. So easy, in fact, that this gardener's guide can present a complete overview of the process in just under four minutes' time. For details, and to get started making your own rich, fertile soil from your own garden and food scraps, take a look.

How To: Grow a culinary herb garden

In this tutorial, we learn how to grow a culinary herb garden. This will save you money in the kitchen and is very easy to do! You can grow herbs in a 6 square feet area that only needs watered for around 10 minutes each day. You just need to make sure to cut out the flowers that will grow inside them. You can grow chives, rosemary, mint, basil, and thyme. You can use all of these inside the kitchen for all of your different dishes. This will save you a small fortune, because herbs at the gro...

How To: Install an eco-friendly lawn

Patti Moreno the Garden Girl shows how to grow an environmentally friendly, low maintenance, drought and insect resistant Eco-Lawn, a blend of 7 Fescue grasses for shady, rocky, and sandy soils. Prepare the bare ground by raking debris. Spread the seed, and then water the seed once a day for the first month. The grass sprouts in 7-14 days. Fill in patches with more seed. Remove leaves, but don't disturb soil and seeds. To convert to an Eco-Lawn, mow the old grass very low, and then spread new...

How To: Troubleshoot plant problems

There are a lot of things that can cause decline in plants. Some are caused by insects or diseases and some are caused by environmental conditions, known as abiotic factors. Consequently, it can be hard to diagnose which, or what combination, of the above factors are resposnible for the poor health of your plant. In this green video tutorial, you'll learn how to troubleshoot plant problems. To learn what it takes, take a look.

How To: Protect your fruit trees during the month of August

During the month of August you should be taking steps to protect your trees from bugs and insects. Especially if you have stone fruits which are peaches, cherries, apricots, plums and almonds. To do this you will need to treat around the entire base of the tree with an approved insecticide. This will prevent the insects from laying eggs in your tree. A copper fungicide with dormant oil should be used to treat any bacterial infections that might arise and be a sign that your tree is in distres...

How To: Design a flower garden

Get your garden started by brainstorming and plannng out the lay-out. The trick to designing a great flower garden that will bloom all season is matching the plant to its preferred growing condition. Learn how to do this with help from expert, Melinda Myers, a world-renowned expert gardener with a critically acclaimed TV show, Melinda's Garden Moment, and a popular radio program, "The Plant Doctor".

How To: Repot plants

Potted plants of all kinds, whether in the house, greenhouse or outside, need repotting eventually. There are several reasons, the most obvious being that they simply get larger and top-heavy. Most houseplants don't need repotting that often because, if we give them plenty of liquid fertilizer in the growing season, they won't be short of nutrients and should therefore be healthy.

How To: Grow your own vineyard

This video explains some important things you need to know if you are thinking about growing your own vineyard. First, think about the types of grapes you want to grow, depending on whether you want to make raisins, grape juice, jelly or wine. Talk to your extension agent to find out which grapes work best for your purpose. It's important to thin out the crop and not have too many leaves on the vines, or too many grapes, because a good balance will send the sunlight and nutrients to the plant...

How To: Choose the right sage plant

In this how-to video, you will learn how to choose the right sage plant for your garden or landscape. The Texas Ranger is one type of plant to choose. They do well in hot, dry climates and heavy soils. They do not need a lot of maintenance. Selective pruning is useful for this particular plant. Green Cloud has dark green foliage and is a lot thicker. Scarlet Sage attract Hummingbirds. These have little insect problems if you do not give them too much water. Mexican Sage dries very well. It ca...

How To: Do organic vegetable gardening

Before embarking upon the exciting adventure of building your own home vegetable garden, there are some important issues to consider. What tools and supplies will you need? Where should you put the garden? How do you dig the bed and plant the vegetables? Find answers to all of these gardening questions and more. Learn how to design your garden in these free organic gardening videos. Get beginner tips and ideas on how to prepare the soil, how to transplant existing plants, where to put things ...