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Design Sponge has posted some very pretty, tiny terrariums and air plants to brighten up these cold winter months. Buy them through Etsy seller Tortoise Loves Donkey or make your own. Scroll down for ...
Have you seen all the adorable miniature garden ideas? Containers of some sort (wood boxes, planters, drawers, wheel barrows, bird baths…) hold a little scene full of tiny living plants along with lit ...
With the aid of America's top botanical experts, Michael Tortorello of the New York Times has compiled a wonderful list of 15 hard-to-kill houseplants for the green thumb inept. Pictured above: One of ...
If you were to look on the roof of your local city bus, what would you find? A little bit of dirt, most likely, and a whole lot of space. Precisely the stuff you'd find in an empty container garden! E ...
Say hello to "Meet Eater," the world's most social garden. Seriously — say hello! Its life may depend on it: "Planted by University of Queensland student Bashkim Isai, Meet Eater is in the grounds of ...
There's no longer any need to ask your neighbor to water your plants while you're away. Craftzine's houseplant wicking system offers a very simple solution: Cut some cotton strips. Soak one end in a b ...
Guerilla gardener Steve Wheen has a simple solution for urban beautification: grow mini-gardens in potholes all over the city, simultaneously transforming ugly roads AND warning motorists and cyclists ...
Amazing vertical wall gardens with succulents and tillandsias by couple Flora Grubb and Kevin Smith. Inspired? Pick up some HowTo tips to get you started, or learn about the supplies you'll need here. ...
Horticulture mad-science offers a slew of marketing possibilities. How is it that our grocery stores aren't filled with Mickey Mouse shaped melons or, as in the case of Chinese farmer Hao Xianzhang, b ...
Designer Xavier Calluaud offers a simple solution for the urban dweller with a green thumb. The "urb garden" enables those living in small spaces (without a yard) to grow food at home, or more specifi ...