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Sweet potatoes are a popular side dish, especially around the holidays. Save some money and start growing sweet potatoes at home. Not only will they be cheaper, but you'll be able to enjoy them year-r ...
If you want to propagate plants from cuttings, this horticultural how-to will show you how. Make certain you prepare your pot with a propagating mix and make a small hole with your finger. Take the cu ...
It's always a pleasure to grow your own herbs and vegetables. Start with good, healthy soil and add lots of organic material. To grow your herbs and vegetables: you can use either seeds or seedlings. ...
So you've decided to transform your drab backyard into a Japanese Zen garden. You've made the right choice. Yes, tire swings and crab grass can slowly kill the soul. That being said, a bit of planning ...
Image Credit tamatelandscaping.comAdding water features to your garden can help to create an enviroment that more closely resembles nature. The sound of a trickling fountain can make your garden feel ...
How to make eggshell planters. Great fun to do with the Kids this Easter Watch This Video GuideFull instructions for how to make these eggshell plant pots given in this short and simple video guide.Wh ...
Navigating through row after row of plants, my tiny fingers would reach into the leaves to pluck all the vile little creatures from their homes and deposit them into a can of gasoline. Potato bug duty ...
This how-to will show you easy step-by-step instructions for pruning your grape vines for growing great grapes. At PlantingCut Back to a Single Stem About 6" Long. The Second YearString two wires. one ...
Starting your own seedlings is a great way to save money, have a wider selection of varieties and gain personal satisfaction. Here are easy to follow tips on getting your seeds off to a great start. T ...
Don't be intimidated about plant nutrition and how to read those mysterious numbers on fertilizer labels! Watch this funny and memorable video that breaks down the basics of fertilizing and shows you ...