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How To: Plant Sempervivum in a pot

Sempervivum or Houseleeks are extremely hearty breed of succulent plants that can grow in very arid areas. Sempervivum are a great plant to have because they require very little care. In this garden tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to create a simple & effective Sempervivum pot that will look good throughout the Winter.

How To: Prick out bedding

If you grow your own bedding plants one of the main jobs over the next few weeks is 'pricking out'. This is when seedlings are transplanted into larger pots or trays to give them more room to grow on. The ideal time to do this is when the seedlings are at the two-leaf stage and before the true leaves have developed, or as soon as they are large enough to handle. When done at this stage of growth there is less shock and root disturbance to the seedlings and they will establish and grow on much...

How To: Prune climbing roses

We prune roses for several reasons. Regular pruning helps to keep their size under control, though we must remember that all roses have a predetermined 'ideal' size. We also prune to shape the plant. We take out dead stems to prevent the dead area spreading back into healthy stems. But the main reason we prune is to make the rose more vigorous. This tutorial teaches you how to prune climbing roses for the best results.

How To: Divide and pot Canna lilies

If you want some large, bold foliage in a border during the summer, canna lilies take some beating. They are really easy to grow either in the border or large pots and produce large paddle shaped leaves and tall flower spikes. Canna lilies aren't hardy plants so unless you live in a very sheltered area it is wise to dig them up in autumn and store the fleshy roots in a frost free place. Increasing your stock of canna plants is very easy with the tips from this how to video.

How To: Rid your yard of moles

Moles can be a real problem in gardens. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to get rid of them. The best way is to try several methods until you find one that works. Even then if you manage to catch or deter a mole it's not always the end of the problem. For much of the year moles are solitary, and have their own territory. If you catch the little fellow, his neighbor will take advantage of the tunnel system and move in. This how to video give you some ideas of how to get rid of those pest...

How To: Plant and care for rhubarb

Learn how you can plant and care for rhubarb with this gardening tutorial. As rhubarb is likely to be in one position for many years, ground preparation is very important. Plenty of organic matter in the form of garden compost or rotted manure should be worked into the soil and base of planting hole.It's also time to cover any clumps of rhubarb outside that you want to force into early growth. The idea is to exclude light from the new shoots which forces them to grow tall and light pink in co...

How To: Make a light box for growing seedlings indoors

The big problem with sowing seeds indoors is that the light comes from one side and your seedlings will get 'drawn' (stretching towards the light). You can help to get healthy, sturdy seedlings and increase your chances of success if you make a simple box to reflect the light back to your plants. Use this with a propagator or just stand plants in pots in the box. You'll be amazed at how effective it is and it costs virtually nothing. All you need is a cardboard box, which is cut away on one s...

How To: Care for Amaryllis

Hippeastrum or Amaryllis is a flower that blooms in the winter. After the plant dies, rather than throw the bulb away you should keep them to flower again next year. When the flowers have faded, cut off the thick flower stalk at bulb level. The foliage should be allowed to develop and grow over the spring and summer, and to encourage the bulb to swell keep the compost moist at all times and feed weekly with a liquid feed such as Phostrogen. Only when the leaves naturally start to die down in ...

How To: Improve your soil with winter digging

Winter digging is the best way to improve your soil and get it ready for planting in spring. Double-digging is simple but can be hard work. In this gardening tutorial, Geoff Stebbings from Garden Answers explains how to do winter digging simply without getting too exhausted.

How To: Take cuttings from a blue flower sage

In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows you how to take cuttings from Salvia patens or blue flower sage. Cuttings are a way to root new plants from a larger plant. Watch this how to video and you can get tips on how to take a cutting and root a blue flower sage plant.

How To: Repot Canna lilies

Learn how and why you should repot Canna lilies before the winter with this gardening tutorial. This is a quick and easy process of digging up the lily, potting it and bringing inside the home or greenhouse, and it has many benefits. Find out how to keep your Canna lilies healthy over the winter with this how to video.

How To: Create a drought resistant garden

If the thought of drought resistant plants makes you picture only cactus and succulents, think again. There are many other beautiful plants that can help you conserve water. This gardening tutorial teaches you how to create a xeriscape or drought resistant landscape. These plants do need to be watered regularly at first but once they have developed their root system you can pretty much leave them to fend for themselves.

How To: Build a terrarium for kids

This gardening tutorial teaches you how to create a successful terrarium for kids of any age. This how to video covers the major points of making a terrarium and I give you lots of alternative methods. Learn how to select a kid-friendly container, select plants, make the terrarium, care and maintain the terrarium. You can use the terrarium as an eco system learning tool for children. This is a great project to do with your children with this how to video.

How To: Prune tomato plants

Pruning tomatoes is one of the easiest and most beneficial things you can do to increase fruit size and help lessen the chances of disease. The basic method of pruning is to remove the suckers from the leaf axils of the tomato plant. If you remove the suckers you will have larger, sweeter, and healthier tomatoes. If you leave them you will get more tomatoes, but the plant is more susceptible to disease and other health issues. This how to video gives you pruning tips and tricks so you can hav...

How To: Make Hypertufa planters

Want a really easy and inexpensive way to jazz up your yard? This tutorial will show you how to make Hypertufa planters. All you need is a wheelbarrow, a hoe, latex gloves, 2 parts peat moss, 1 part sand, 1 part portland cement mix, a large pot/box/bowl and a plastic garbage bag. These planters look great and can be made to fit any size plants. Watch this how to video and you can make Hypertufa planters in no time at all.

How To: Deadhead plants

Sometimes we have so much to show you that we need a second video to cover all the information. Deadheading is a topic like that, because of the great variety in the way plants bud and grow.

How To: Move houseplants back inside for the winter

If you're like me, you put some or all of your houseplants outside for the summer. Now that fall is here, it's time to think about moving them back in for the long winter ahead. This how to video shows a few steps you can take to prepare your plants for indoor conditions. Following these easy steps should help ensure your plants winter over successfully, so you can get them outside again next spring.

How To: Make a desert terrarium

This tutorial teaches you how to make a desert terrarium. These plants are very hardy, easy to care for and look great. This how to video gives complete instructions and suggestions on how to make a good looking desert terrarium.

How To: Plant and care for miniature plants

This how to video gives you some great ideas for having plants in small spaces. These miniature plants are easy to care for and are perfect to have in a condominium or apartment. Watch this gardening tutorial and learn how you can have a garden of miniatures in your apartment.

How To: Control bugs in the garden

In this gardening how to video. Dave looks at some of the options you have for controlling garden pests. This video teaches you some organic and not so organic ways to control bugs. Watch this video and you will be ridding your garden of insects the enviromentally friendly way.

How To: Prune ornamental grasses

This how to video teaches you to cut ornamental grasses back in the spring to promote great summer growth. In the summer ornamental grasses look gorgeous, but after the winter these grasses are dry and are a fire hazard. Watch this video and learn how to easily prune your ornamental grasses.

How To: Save heirloom pepper seeds for gardening

Rita Heikenfeld, from AboutEating.com, had a bumper crop of peppers this year. In this how-to video she shows you how to save pepper seeds from one of her garden favorites, the jalapeño. Pepper seeds can easily be dried and stored over the winter to be grown in the spring. They let you save your heirloom seeds for next year.

How To: Save heirloom tomato seeds for gardening

Heirloom tomato seeds are easy to dry at the end of the season so that you can plant your favorites in the garden next year. Saving seeds of heirloom tomato plants will let you control the plants you grow next year. Watch this Gardening how-to video and learn how easy it is to save the seeds.

How To: Use grey water to grow rice paddy

A simple reed system can clean washing machine and bath water enough to grow rice. What better place to do than the roof which in tropical India receives a lot of sunlight. Nutrition for the rice comes from a Ecosan unit on the roof again, which provides the urine for fertilizer. Finally a solar box cooker cooks the rice for consumption. Food and water Cycle complete on the roof. The water for the washing machine and bath comes from harvested rain falling on the roof but a slightly different ...

How To: Water trees and shrubs in a nursery stock

Plant nurseries have thousands of trees and shrubs in stock. To keep them from drying out and dying, it is important to water them on a regular basis. This how-to video will show you how to water thousands of trees and shrubs. Learn to test the soil around the plants and about irrigation systems that will help you keep you plants alive

How To: Handle spiny cactus

Cacti have spines that prick the handler's skin. So how do people in the cactus business handle spiny cactus all day long? They use nitro gloves! Watch this instructional video for a demonstration on how these special gloves prevent gardeners and cactus growers from getting pricked.

How To: Transplant tomatoes

You want to have a tomato garden and you bought the seedlings already... now what? Watch this video tutorial to learn how to properly transplant your potted tomato seedling into your garden plot.