Hot Gardening How-Tos

How To: Grow different types of garlic

You may know your onions but do you know your garlic? If not, you'll be well served by this gardener's guide, which presents an overview of the different varieties available for planting (including soft-neck, hard-neck and so-called elephant varieties) and provides tips on actually planting the stuff in your own garden.

How To: Plant garlic in containers instead of the ground

Whether you lack the space in your home garden or simply want to exercise greater control over your plant's interactions with the surrounding environment, container gardening is a great way to go. And it's also easy to do. With this home gardening how-to from Growing Wisdom, you'll learn how to plant and grow garlic in your own container box.

How To: Identify insects in your trees

This will illustrate us how to identify various kinds of insects in the trees. here are the following steps :Step 1: First of all get a Pictorial version of book based on insects.Step 2: Now on the tree look for various kind of insects and as well as there eggs laid by them.Step 3 : now look for the pictures in the book and match these with the insects on the trees .Step 4 : To be confirmed about the right identification look closely for the shape of the legs off the insect and as well as the...

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Prune an olive bonsai tree

This video explains how to prune an olive bonsai tree properly. the olive tree used in the video is an europaea tree bought from an exclusive bonsai tree company. The way the tree is pruned are by cutting the tree so that that it has an upward shape to stimulate vertical growth. It is explained that a process known as "cut and grown" are used with the olive tree because it makes the tree grow much faster and produce more fruit. Any branches or leaves that are unnecessary to the vertical growt...

How To: Identify problems with a silver berry & tomato plant

The video answers questions on whether containerized tomato plant need to be replanted, problems with yellow tips of an oleander and spots on a silver berry shrub. The tomato plant may be replanted in a bigger container and staked/caged to avoid wind damage. If planted in the ground, it is recommended to plant it at an angle, up to the first branches because tomato plants are able to set out adventitious roots. The yellow and brittle leaves of an oleander is also identified as the result of f...

How To: Identify problems with the peace lily, fern & rhubarb

This video explains how to solve several problems associated with gardening in arid environments. Rhubarb is a plant that is commonly grown in colder environments. In arid environments, its very important to not over water it, so keep it in a sandy soil with lots of organic compost material. Plants such as the peace lily also need well irrigated soil, so it is important to pot it in an organic potting soil in a location that allows the water to drain away from the pot instead of soaking back ...

How To: Build a proper drip irrigation system

This video illustrate us how to build a drip irrigation system. Here are the following steps: 1. To build a drip irrigation system you need a pipe, hydro cyclone, screen filter, Pressure building pump and micro filter.step 2: Connect the pipe to the water source and let it pass through the hydro cyclone to settle down all the sand. 3: Now from the hydro cyclone pass it through the pressure gauge for building up the pressure ant then this pipe passes through the network of horizontal and verti...

How To: Identify and control common lawn weeds

With rainfall comes unwanted plant growth in the form of weeds. Here's how to identify and control them. First is Nutsage which has a glossy green leaf, triangular stem and the rhizome sends up new plants whenever you cut away at it. Next is jungle rice which is an aquatic weed, from areas where there is a lot of moisture. It can be identified by it red/purple chevrons. Use herbicide to take them out before they get too large. Next is pigweeds, to get rid of it you can use weed killer or a ho...

How To: Save tomato seeds

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to save tomato seeds. Begin by selecting the type of tomato that you would like to grow again next year. Once selected, simply cut the tomato in half and scoop or squeeze out the seeds into a jar. Pour a bit of water and close the jar. Put the jar away for 2 days, as it will smell. The seeds will be undergoing a fermentation process as this time. Then take the tomatoes and drain the through a sift. Now wash the tomato seeds with some water and let the...

How To: Fertilize & deadhead roses

In this how-to video, you will learn how to fertilize and deadhead roses. Late summer fertilization is okay for these roses. Make sure to water them in well, as this is key. Deadheading in late summer will give you a fall bloom cycle with the roses. Deadheading will mean cutting off dead blooms. Hips are dead blooms that have fertilized. These make seeds and some are either sterile or will actually grow. To properly deadhead, go down to the second or third five-leaf. Cut at a 45 degree angle ...

How To: Plant tulip bulbs in a container in winter

Phyllis Stevens gives us some tips on planting Tulips in the winter. We start by taking a container filled with Potting Soil, then we Plant the Tulip Bulbs. You should fit up to 3 bulbs per pot. Putting some Crocus on the top of the soil doesn't hurt. Bury the bulbs in the garden, covering with Leaves and pine-needles. In the Spring (February-March) we will take the pots out from the soil and Sink them down into the Planter Soil. Once they are finished blooming take them out from soil and put...

How To: Identify if you are using too mcuh fertilizer

In this video, we learn how to identify common tree problems. If you use too much fertilizer you can find a burn scar that is left on the bark of the tree. You can avoid this by making sure fertilizer spikes are placed away from the tree. Tree splitting is also an obvious sign that a tree is in bad shape and needs to be cut and taken down. A common leaf problem is Pear Slug Damage. A great way to help this to use wood ash on the tree, which will kill the insects that cause this and it's safe ...

How To: Choose colorful flowers & shrubs for the garden

This video makes suggestions in how to choose colorful flowers and shrubs in your garden. Bowle’s Mauve is a purple flowering plant that will grow and bloom until fall. It will become bushy. Another colorful choice is the Rock Rose, a pinkish flower. The Blue Salvia has blue flowers. A Bank’s Rose, only bloom for a short time. It has yellow or white flowers. Aphids tend to attack it, but it is hearty.

How To: Add color to the garden with perennials

Southwest Yard and Garden featuring John White, Dona Ana County Extension Agent, hosts a 6 minute clip with co-host Master Gardener Valois Pearce both of Dona Ana County, New Mexico host a short web show featuring plants that can easily survive on smaller amounts of water over typical plants. They begin by discussing the full sun Ice Plant, which comes in many species and colors as well as their hardiness, but unfortunately are easy targets for wildlife. They then move onto the Gopher Plant, ...

How To: Identify the pecan aphid

We learn how to identify a pecan aphid. There a few different types, some more harmful than others. Looking at the leaves closely we see shiny sticky spots on the leaves. This is called honeydew' which is actually the aphids waste. It is not harmful to the tree. The Black pecan aphids however cause brown discolorations on the leaves. They are necessary to control although mother nature offers a way since there are certain insects who actually eat their eggs. It is wise to first consider this ...

How To: Identify problems with container plant roots

The problems with container plant roots. when purchasing a container plant be sure to check the root system. Wholesale plant sellers tend to leave the plants in small pots for to long. This can lead to problems with the root system. What you have to look for is to make sure the roots are not coming back up and around the base of the plant thereby choking it. When you are replanting be sure to make the hole in the ground 1and 1/2 to 2 times up to 5 times the size of the root ball. This is how ...

How To: Dispose of leftover lawn chemicals

In this video from nmsuaces we get a lesson in how to dispose of leftover lawn chemicals. Many gardeners want to know what to do with leftover materials and how to get rid of it safely. You should not store it. Once mixed up, use it all. Make your mix so you don't have to have a surplus that day. If you have a surplus, you need to spray it in an area that is labeled to be used. After you are finished rinse the container at least 3 rinses. The rinse water must then be sprayed out in the area w...

How To: Identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify pest on the oleander, rosemary, & ivy plants. John White presents this video along with Virginia Owens. Spittle bug on rosemary can be removed with a strong blast of water. You can also add a little bit of soap to it. You also have to be persistent with this. Scale is a kind of insect that forms carnication on Spanish Broom. This can be treated with dormant oil in the summer. Ivy gets burnt when exposed to hot sun. So, you go...

How To: Turn a steep backyard into a terraced garden

First of all you have to start by terracing all the lands. Now select the varieties of trees that you want and start planting them in your garden. These trees shall help you in checking soil erosion. You may also use rocks fro land scalping and also checking soil erosion. Now you can plant ‘daisies’ all around the garden. These grow very fast and then they help to bind all the soil together. However you have to check their growth because they compete with other plants for the nutrients. They ...

How To: Build a bio-intensive garden

John White of Southwest Yard and Garden along with Kitty Schafer teach you about bio-intensive gardening. Bio-intensive gardening is the combination of two techniques. Part of the technique involves composting top soil with other coarse organic material into a lasagna style mound. Add 2 inches of straw to the soil and spray with water. Add 2 inches of green material that you have collected from other area of your garden, such as bug eaten greens or specific greens for composting. Then add som...

How To: Recycle coffee grounds into compost at home

In this how-to video, you will learn how to recycle your used coffee grounds into compost for your personal garden. Coffee grounds are very good for your soil and can be used for all winter long. If you stick a thermometer in there, you will see that it is about 106 degrees. This means that it is working on the inside. You can also your hand to test the heat inside the compost as well. You should make about a cubic yard of the coffee grounds for the compost to be effective. This video gives y...

How To: Identify willow tree damage caused by a borer

Weeping willows, globe willows, corkscrew willow, cotton wood are all prone to bores than other diseases. They grow in fertile soil with lots of moisture. Never treat tree chemical. Prune as necessary, take out dead diseased limbs, water and fertilize regular. This ensures the tree lasts longer and that the tree is less attractive to insects. Where tomatoes are concerned to avoid sunburn ensure that they are slightly covered with the folding of the plant. High salt level of water or chemicals...

How To: Identify and control garden pests on grapes and roses

This video illustrates the quick and easy method to Identify and control garden pests on grapes and roses . The process is comprised of the following steps:Step 1:Garden pests are quite common in grapes and roses.Step 2: To identify these gardener needs to keep a very sharp eyes on the plants every day. Negligence may lead to disaster of the entire crop.Step 3:Garden pests can be commonly seen on the leaves on inner side or on the shoots of the plant.Step 4:Randomly select the plant and check...

How To: Prune & clean a Japanese black pine bonsai for spring

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to prune & clean a Japanese black pine bonsai for spring. First you got to prune off the branches that you don’t want and allow only the branches that you want in order to design the tree. After about a year of pruning off the branches cut off the studs created by the left over branches so that the area is flush with the rest of the trunk. Then cut off any dry stubs around the foliage. Next cut off the foliage that is growing out of the ...

How To: Choose a daylily variety for your garden

There are many different types of daylilies, and this video shows the different varieties and how to care for them. First they show a variety called Double Cutie and explain that you need to take off the wilted blossoms to get more blooms the following year. If the leaves are striped, it means there is an iron deficiency in the soil, and there are products you can get for that. There is a variety of daylily that is almost white, called Tuscawilla Tranquility. There are no daylilies that are p...

How To: Divide and re-plant irises

In this how-to video, you will learn how to divide and re-plant irises in your garden. First, dig out the iris. Clean out the old, dead leaves and take the dirt off. Trim the leaves off as well. Break off the pieces, as these can become a new plant to grow. Several pieces can be broken off, allowing you to grow even more irises. Discard the part that is left over. You can save the pieces for a little while, but it is better to plant them soon. Irises do not require a rich soil to grow, so kee...

How To: Repot a Japanese black pine bonsai

Hi everyone, happy new year. Today we will be repotting a Japanese black pine bonsai tree with Charles M. We will first check the health of the pine tree by checking the fungus cultures. It is a healthy tree if there is a lot of fungus. We will first prune some of the roots to be used in the new soil. We will loosen up some of the roots to be able to repot it. We will make sure not to throw away any fungus cultures to make sure to preserve the tree. Enjoy the video on how to repot a bonsai tree.

How To: Identify and control problems with bermudagrass

In this how-to video, you will learn how to identify and control problems with Bermuda Grass. If you are worried with allergies, you should check if you are allergic to this particular grass. The seed heads produce the majority of it, but even the pollen produces these allergies. Regarding the water schedule, the grass needs water during the summer. If you have a fine textured soil, you should water about one time a week. If your grass is turning a blue-gray color, it might be lacking water. ...

How To: Re-pot house plants

This video shows you how to re-pot your houseplants. When your geraniums have overgrown, cut your clippings. Let the clipping cure: i.e. the wound that you created needs to seal and cure, before planting. Set them aside, in order to allow them to cure. Once that is done, submerge the tip of the fresh clipping in a pot filled with fresh soil. Remember to remove dead leaves.

How To: Fertilize your fall lawn

John White from Southwest Yard and Garden teaches viewers how to fertilize and care for their fall lawn. Fertilization is recommended at 1 pound per month. As you reach September and October, reduce your nitrogen to 1/4 a pound and as October comes around reduce this even further to about half a pound. You will need turf fertilizer and on this package there will be three numbers in the order representing nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. In late fall you will want to use a fertilizer with ...

How To: Care for venus flytrap, gloxinia and bromeliad

To care for:Venus Flytrap: It is a great project for children, however, there are a few things to remember to look after this plant. Firstly it is best to use cover to protect the plant, as they have a tendency to dry out quickly. Also be careful not to overfeed the plant insects.Gloxinia: Many people buy this beautiful plant in bloom, however, after bloom they throw away the plant as they think they have killed it by over watering. All you do is stop watering it so it lies dormant, and then ...

How To: Prune hybrid-T roses

John White and Rosemary Maddox Master Gardner will teach us how to prune our hybrid t-roses. To begin, you’ll need a set of bypass pruners, long handles loppers for branches or canes, which are bigger than your thumb. You may also need a pruning saw, 10% bleach solution which is 10 parts water + 1 part bleach., an old dog bowl for the bleach, gloves, and a low stool. Begin with the bypass pruners clipping all branches that may be crossing or too close to the main branches that you will keep. ...

How To: Keep your tree from dying

First of all you have to check the root which has started circling. Then notice that there is a dark portion at the bottom of the trunk. You can prevent this problem by avoiding to plant too deeply and not to leave in the pot for too long. You have to plant it at the right depth. Now check the roots of the bigger tree that has died. You shall notice that the roots have started circling around a part and then they stop the circulation to the top of the tree and then the tree dies because it wa...

How To: Prepare garden soil for planting

Southwest Yard and Garden teaches viewers how to prepare garden soil for planting. You can use compost to work this into your soil. You can make your own compost and you can also buy compost. First, you can use a flat bladed spade or a sharp shooter spade to double dig your garden soil. First, you should dig double deep into the soil and turn the soil to the side. What you want to do is dig a trench. Go back to the beginning of the trench and dig a second depth. You will want to get below the...