Gardening Features

How To: Care for venus flytrap, gloxinia and bromeliad

To care for:Venus Flytrap: It is a great project for children, however, there are a few things to remember to look after this plant. Firstly it is best to use cover to protect the plant, as they have a tendency to dry out quickly. Also be careful not to overfeed the plant insects.Gloxinia: Many people buy this beautiful plant in bloom, however, after bloom they throw away the plant as they think they have killed it by over watering. All you do is stop watering it so it lies dormant, and then ...

How To: Make bamboo plant supports

Gardeners' World is brought to you by the BBC. Search Gardeners' World on WonderHowTo for more videos that give practical gardening advice from experts. In this video, learn how to make bamboo supports. Make bamboo plant supports.

How To: Divide and transplant an agave

In this tutorial, Jeff Moore shows us how to divide and transplant an agave. First, lay the pot over and hit the side a couple times. Now, the roots and soil will fall out. Now, break the roots and take the pups (baby plants) up. If you don't remove these, they won't grow into larger plants. It may be difficult to pull them out, just wrestle with it a bit so you can pull it out. Now, replant these into a new pot with cactus soil onto the bottom and a drainage hole in the pot. Make sure to wat...

How To: Catch a Mole Without Killing It

I live in the woods and frequently get moles in my yard. I want to get rid of them, but I don't like killing them. This is a video on how to catch a mole without killing it. It is very humane, and I've caught at least 10 moles this way and can typically catch them in one or two days. I then transport them off to a distant woods where they they can live in peace and not bother anyone.

How To: Easily prune a young apple tree

If you have an apple tree growing in your yard, it's important to know that pruning it is a very important part of keeping it alive and growing. Pruning helps fight off certain diseases and helps maintain or improve the overall health of a plant.

How To: Prune a peach tree & trim raspberry plants

Curtis Smith, Extension Horticulturist, and Rick Daniel, Bernalillo County Horticulture Agent, demonstrate how to prune a peach tree and trim raspberry plants. If a branch is in the way and causing problems or if it is unhealthy, cut it off at anytime. Cut outside of the bark collar when pruning branches. Make three cuts by first making an undercut on the bottom side so the bark doesn't strip off too far. Put on gloves when working with raspberry bushes. Cut the bushes down to the ground each...

How To: Grow tomatoes in a container

Nothing says fresh and delicious like a ripe tomato from your home garden. This horticultural how-to will walk you through the fundamentals of container tomato gardening and present you with a list of the basic materials you'll need to get started growing your very own tomatoes.

How To: Build a raised flower or garden bed with Lowe's

In this tutorial, we learn how to build a raised flower or garden bed with Lowe's. First, you need to decide what you want your bed built with. There should be enough support for the soil and plants, along with being in a good place so it will reach the sun all over. Make sure there is 6" of soil at the bottom so there is enough room for the plants to grow. Once you have everything constructed, you will be able to plant in your flowers or vegetables. Make sure you pay attention and water them...

How To: Stake tall plants

We next try some staking, because this garden has tall plants. Tall plants add verticality to the garden, but they only stay tall until a thunderstorm hits. They need staking if for no other reason to keep them out of the mud. Dahlias definitely need staking because their flowers are enormous and bend easily. Plan for this ahead of time. For staking there are lots of possibilities. You can use bamboo and string or you could use multi-purpose stakes. This metal stake is ideal for a single stem...

How To: Prune climbing roses

We prune roses for several reasons. Regular pruning helps to keep their size under control, though we must remember that all roses have a predetermined 'ideal' size. We also prune to shape the plant. We take out dead stems to prevent the dead area spreading back into healthy stems. But the main reason we prune is to make the rose more vigorous. This tutorial teaches you how to prune climbing roses for the best results.

How To: Deadhead plants

Sometimes we have so much to show you that we need a second video to cover all the information. Deadheading is a topic like that, because of the great variety in the way plants bud and grow.

How To: Move large trees without damaging the roots

It's been almost impossible to protect all the roots when it comes to moving large trees. This is a process that can take days to complete and can be hard for the tree. But there are ways that this can be accomplished now thanks to some new technology. This new discovery can save all the roots to a tree 30 to 40 feet tall. So check out the tutorial to find out more, and good luck!

How To: Keep your tree from dying

First of all you have to check the root which has started circling. Then notice that there is a dark portion at the bottom of the trunk. You can prevent this problem by avoiding to plant too deeply and not to leave in the pot for too long. You have to plant it at the right depth. Now check the roots of the bigger tree that has died. You shall notice that the roots have started circling around a part and then they stop the circulation to the top of the tree and then the tree dies because it wa...

How To: Cut & plant potatoes

This video describes how to cut and plant potatoes in your own garden. Potatoes are easy to grow almost anywhere and can be started early in the year since they are resistant to cold.

How To: Plant and grow pumpkins

In this how to video, you will learn how to grow pumpkins. First, you must pick an area with plenty of sunshine to place your seeds in. Make sure there is enough room for vine and pumpkin growth, and that the area will not freeze. Build a mound of dirt about three fit in diameter with compost and soil. Next, plant two seeds per mound. Plant them in the middle about 8 inches apart. Cover the seeds with an inch of soil. Give them plenty of water once you have planted them. The pumpkin vines gro...

How To: Build a seedbomb for guerrilla gardening

This how-to video demonstrates how you can build your very own seedbombs using clay, fertilizer and seeds (naturally). These "bombs," in turn, can be thrown in hard-to-reach or otherwise inaccessible places, creating green where there once was none. Get started guerilla gardening with this tutorial. Just add rainwater.

How To: Plant garlic cloves

Tom Cole shows us the best ways to plant garlic. Video discusses that garlic cloves should be planted in autumn or spring and harvested 6 months later. They can be planted from bulbs or cloves you buy at the grocer. Plant garlic cloves.

How To: Identify aphids or whiteflies on your ash tree

County expert John White determines how to solve some pesky plant problems for the area. The first problem - cutter bees on Crepe Myrtle - is an obvious one, with the deep curved "bites" showing on most of the leaves. He suggests using an insecticide but then points out the signs of a second problem - beetle damage. Crepe Myrtle is prone to beetle infestations and he advises to get out a flashlight and look for them at night when they are at their worst. A problem with heat scorching on Euony...

How To: Create tomato cages from concrete wire

Curtis Smith, an extension horticulturist talks about using cages for your tomato plants. He says that some people like to stake tomatoes, some like to cage them and some even just let their tomato plants sprawl. He talks to a local gardener who has built his own tomato cages out of concrete wire. The gardener shows his cages, which he built 10 years ago and they still look sturdy today. Curtis gives a few tips like wrapping the cages with a special fabric that lets air and light through, but...

How To: Repot a Phalaenopsis orchid in a bark mix

In this tutorial, we learn how to repot a phalaenopsis orchid in a bark mix. First, take out all the moss from the plant and wash off the roots. After this, get the plant ready for trimming and trim it at the very bottom of the roots. Measure the depth of the pot to make sure the roots aren't too long. Now, gather the roots and place them down into the pot with packing peanuts and soil inside of it. After you do this, pack in soil around the sides of it and keep it watered so it doesn't die out.

How To: Trim rose bushes

In this how-to video, you will learn how to trim rose bushes. You will need a pair of shears and roses. Cut anything growing from the summer. You should also cut any old wood as well. This will leave new growth for the rose bushes. The best way to remove this is to go in and cut it with almost an inch of cane left. Continue to cut the dead wood. Next, prune above the buds on the top. Do this all around the bush. Make sure they are all about the same height. Look for a good outside bud before ...

How To: Prune and trim trees

As a home owner, you should pay careful attention to the trees that surround your house. Dead limbs and some smaller "roughage" can pose a danger to you and your family, as well as your home, if your trees are not cared for properly. Essentially, proper pruning is essential for a healthy and aesthetically pleasing tree. Pruning is needed when first planting a tree to control its growth and to help develop its shape. Pruning can help spur growth in foliage, fruit and flowers as well as remove ...

How To: Prune roses in the spring

In this video, we learn how to prune roses in the spring. When you prune the roses, you want to cut the branches with shears at the bottom of the plant. Cut any of the dead parts that you see before the flowers start to grow back. If you see any short stubs that haven't and won't grow out, trim those off as well. Leave any healthy branches to keep growing, but trim the tops of them. When you finish, you should end with just a few branches left that are ready for the new growing season. Remove...

How To: Plant garlic cloves with toilet paper rolls

This video demonstrates how to plant garlic cloves with toilet paper rolls. Take some toilet paper rolls and cut them in half. Fill the halves with damp soil. Put one clove of garlic into each little half, leaving the new shoot poking out of the top. You can make potting soil with peat moss, black dirt and vermiculite. When it is time to plant the garlic, you should just put the whole carton into the ground. When you buy garlic for planting, look for the giant variety. When you are saving gar...