Gardening Features

How To: Lay down mulch for new plants in the winter

In this garden video, you'll learn how to get ready for the winter by laying down mulch for new plants. Mulching new plantings for the winter is very important for protection during the snowy months, and it improves the look of the beds, keeps some weed down, and keeps the moisture in the soil (although too much keeps the moisture out).

How To: Plant and grow potatoes in a container

Are you an amateur gardener, and looking forward to the next thing to plant? Why not plant potatoes? They're hardy, delicious, and don't require too much care. Watch this video to learn how to plant and grow potatoes in a container. At the end of it, you'll always have a great harvest and side dishes for dinner!

How To: Start an urban living indoor garden during the winter

In this tutorial, we learn how to start an urban living indoor garden during the winter. You can easily place a shelving unit over the side of a window sill. This will also need a fastener attached to it to give it extra support. After this, you will need to install florescent tubes at the top of the shelving to help your indoor garden grow. Use small plastic bins to plant your seedlings in. These are perfect for a small greenhouse that you can place on the shelves and leave to grow with just...

How To: Harvest swiss chard

Tom Cole shows how to harvest swiss chard properly. Tom harvests in late spring to early autumn. Harvesting them in the cool hours of the morning is key in this short and simple video. Harvest swiss chard.

How To: Identify pinon needle scale

Identify pinion needle scaleWe are going to look at this insect because eggs are being laid. Two year old needles are being cast off. This is a sign of infestation. There is also sparse, open foliage. This tends to be a chronic infestation. The insect is the pinion needle scale. You can see tiny, bean shaped bumps on the 2 year old needles. The insects move to last years new growth and feast on the sap of the needle all summer. You can see egg masses and web on the trunk of the tree. The inse...

How To: Identify problems with the peach tree borer

This video explains how to identify problems with the peach tree borer. The video begins with a peach tree shown with bore issues below the dirt line on the trunk. The instructor then explains that most of the pesticides used for this problem are no longer available and that most people have turned to more organic pesticides to solve the problem. The video then explains that you must first clean all the bore and dirt away before trying to apply pesticides to the tree. After the bore holes hav...

How To: Harvest leafy greens

You’ve put in the work to grow wonderful greens in your garden and your ready to make a tasty salad. When you are ready to use your greens you can cut just a few of the outer leaves off at a time so the plant can continue thriving.

How To: Divide hosta

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to divide hosta. Hostas are one of the best plants for your garden. They grow very fast. Hence, you have to divide them to keep them healthy. The best time to do this is either early spring or during fall. Take a flat shovel and dig a hole about 3-5 inches around the base of the plant and then pull it out. You can use a big knife, your hands or even the shovel to divide the bunch of plants. Move the foliage a bit so that you can see the ...

How To: Care for Amaryllis

Hippeastrum or Amaryllis is a flower that blooms in the winter. After the plant dies, rather than throw the bulb away you should keep them to flower again next year. When the flowers have faded, cut off the thick flower stalk at bulb level. The foliage should be allowed to develop and grow over the spring and summer, and to encourage the bulb to swell keep the compost moist at all times and feed weekly with a liquid feed such as Phostrogen. Only when the leaves naturally start to die down in ...

How To: Plant tulip bulbs in a container in winter

Phyllis Stevens gives us some tips on planting Tulips in the winter. We start by taking a container filled with Potting Soil, then we Plant the Tulip Bulbs. You should fit up to 3 bulbs per pot. Putting some Crocus on the top of the soil doesn't hurt. Bury the bulbs in the garden, covering with Leaves and pine-needles. In the Spring (February-March) we will take the pots out from the soil and Sink them down into the Planter Soil. Once they are finished blooming take them out from soil and put...

How To: Grow tomatoes indoors

Contrary to what you may have heard, small tomato plants can be easily grown indoors given the right conditions. This free video home gardener's guide will see that you know everything you need to know to start growing your very own small tomatoes in your home or apartment.

How To: Grow and care for gardenia bushes

With its glossy green leaves and perfectly shaped, exquisitely fragrant pure, white flowers, it could only be a gardenia. Gardenias are some of the more popular flowering shrubs but they never seem to flower as much as we'd like them to. For a start, it's important to be patient: gardenia flowers consistently is consistently warm. For more information on growing, and caring for gardenias, such that they'll grow well, watch this gardenia flower how-to. Grow and care for gardenia bushes.

How To: Fertilize your vegetable garden with composted manure

If you're working on creating the healthiest, most fertile vegetable garden possible, you might want to consider adding composted cow manure to your soil. Not only is composting great for your garden, it's easy. So easy, in fact, that a complete overview can be presented in just over a minute's time. For specifics, and to get started using fertilizer in your own home garden, watch this helpful gardener's guide.

How To: Care for fruit trees

Learn how to care for fruit trees from a professional landscape designer. Our expert will educate on what tools you need and how to select and plant your new fruit tree. Learn valuable how-to tips for your fruit tree. See how to care for the tree by activating the soil. With all the luscious fruit dangling from the tree it can be an invitation for deer to come have a snack. Our expert will show how to protect your tree from becoming a treat. Pruning your fruit trees for maximum flowering and ...

How To: Grow and care for prennial plants

Our greenthumb expert Martha Cycz introduces you to whole new circle of friends, ones with exotic titles like Bretisia, Echinacea and Dicentia. But don't let the sophisticated names fool you: these are very approachable plants, ones which will return your affection year around. And just might summon a butterfly or two when they're feeling just right. Martha will tell you how to plant and care for these perennials so that you may develop rewarding relationships with all of them.

How To: Get rid of garden slugs without using pesticides

Slugs are one of the most destructive forces of nature that can infiltrate your garden. Chemical pesticides and slug pellets make eliminating them simple, but they are expensive, dangerous, and unnatural. Fortunately, this video is here to explain an easy way to get rid of slugs in a container garden using only a little bit of vigilence and salt. Warning: do not try salting your soil garden! You will kill it!

How To: Grow potatoes in a bucket

Potatoes are a useful food item that can be used to make many favorite dishes. French fries, mashed potatoes, and mich more. Buying them from the market is obviously something that is easy to do, but making your own takes time but will result in much better potatoes for you and your loved ones. So find out how to grow potatoes in a bucket now. Enjoy!

How To: Identify and control common lawn weeds

With rainfall comes unwanted plant growth in the form of weeds. Here's how to identify and control them. First is Nutsage which has a glossy green leaf, triangular stem and the rhizome sends up new plants whenever you cut away at it. Next is jungle rice which is an aquatic weed, from areas where there is a lot of moisture. It can be identified by it red/purple chevrons. Use herbicide to take them out before they get too large. Next is pigweeds, to get rid of it you can use weed killer or a ho...

How To: Make hanging plant baskets

One of the best ways to add summer colour to your garden or patio is with hanging baskets. Now is the perfect time to plant up baskets in order to give the plants a few weeks to establish before they are hung outside after the danger of frost has passed. Learn how to make a beautiful hanging baskets with this tutorial.