This video shows how to control a fire ant problem in your yard. Fire ants don't do any damage to your yard, but they can cause damage with their bite.They have traveled as far west as California and ...
Horticulture mad-science offers a slew of marketing possibilities. How is it that our grocery stores aren't filled with Mickey Mouse shaped melons or, as in the case of Chinese farmer Hao Xianzhang, b ...
The cold weather can mean bad news for your home garden. But if you take the right measures, you can protect your plants from dying during the winter months. This video will show you to prepare your p ...
Follow along as we are told how to prune a damaged tree branch. -A damaged branch on a tree can be really bad. It opens the tree up to diseases.-The first cut you want to make is going to be further u ...
The Dahlia Guy is going to show you step by step how to plant dahlias. First, you want to bury your tubers at 2-4inches of depth and place a stick right next to the eye so you know exactly where the d ...
Follow along as we learn how to grow healthy tomato plants. -When you plant tomato plants you need to get a strip of tinfoil, about two inches wide, and wrap it around the stem.-Make sure you go about ...
In this video it is demonstrated how to make a simple spring bouquet with tulips and daisies. First take a transparent glass pot and fill it with water. Take some green soft thin stem, roll it and put ...
The Dahlia Guy is going to explain the importance of disbudding dahlias. He explains that when you disbud a dahlia it allows the main flower to blossom to its fullest potential. When you don't disbud, ...
Grassvalleyflorist teaches you how to make a fall themed flower bouquet. For this you will need some fountain grass, autumn leaves, English laurel, redwood, oregano and another weed that looks good. L ...
Spring is coming around the corner, and what better to welcome it through the door than houseplants? Design Sponge posts a simple tutorial on plant propagation, the natural process of using plant cutt ...