

Join the Gardening World now to meet up with other gardeners from around the globe. Learn a thing or two about agriculture and horticulture, and help teach others how to plant flowers and herbs right the first time.
Two men engaged in conversation outdoors, surrounded by trees and firewood.
Apr 18, 2010

Curtis Smith, an extension horticulturist talks about using cages for your tomato plants. He says that some people like to stake tomatoes, some like to cage them and some even just let their tomato pl ...

Two men discussing gardening techniques in a lush garden setting.
Apr 18, 2010

This video explains how to build a shaded vegetable garden. The instructor begins the video my explaining the benefits using a shaded garden as it offers protection from hail, heavy rains and gives y ...

Two individuals examining specimens in a laboratory setting.
Apr 18, 2010

In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to identify pecan weevil problems. John White presents this video along with Carol Sutherland, extension entomologist. After pecan is infected w ...

Woman holding flowers in a vibrant garden.
Apr 18, 2010

After receiving your dahlia tuber in the mail, dig a hole where you want the flowers to bloom in your garden. It should be big enough to place the whole tuber into and be completely covered by dirt. B ...

"How to Pick plants and trees at a nursery" cover image
Apr 18, 2010

How to pick plants and trees at a nursery When you are buying annuals it is best to buy them when they are not blooming and colorful. That way they can bloom and be colorful in your yard. Plants with ...

A thin layer of white fungus or mold growing on grass.
Apr 18, 2010

snow mold occurs in round patches of grass in the lawn. The patches contain a fussy substance (the mold), that appears in grey or pink; the most dangerous of the two. Mold is formed whenever a lot of ...

A person standing among dense vegetation holding gardening tools.
Apr 18, 2010

In this video, an expert gardener explains how to propagate raspberries and blackberries.To propagate, you normally need a small rooted cutting. The expert recommends that you soak the roots in water ...

"How to Identify problems with pecans & pruning grapevines" cover image
Apr 18, 2010

Master Gardener Rosamarie Maddox asks John White, Doña Ana County Extension Agent, about problems facing her pecans, grapevines, and native shrubs. An unidentified insect found on her pecan tree is id ...

A person tying a green tape around a young plant stem for support.
Apr 18, 2010

This will illustrate us how to Patch budding pecans . Here are the following steps.Step 1: First of all we have to see whether the right season is there or not that is spring or late summer.Step 2 :Se ...

A man demonstrating plant care techniques in an indoor setting.
Apr 18, 2010

Growing plants in the Southwest is different then other climates. We learn how to grow plants in water. Salt is a factor that we need to be cautious of. Salt is in soil and in water. Water, once absor ...