Gardening How-Tos

How To: Grow a sustainable garden

The EcoGarden is designed to give back to nature and show people how easy it is to go green in their own backyard. All you need to remember is to plant, feed and protect to grow your own sustainable garden. This how to video teaches you how to care for your beautiful and eco friendly garden.

How To: Plant a dogwood tree

Beautify your surroundings and offset global carbon emissions by planting a tree. Oregonian writers Kym Pokorny and Anne Jaeger demonstrate best practices for tree planting as they plant a dogwood in this brief tutorial.

How To: Prune a high-density fruit tree

In this how-to video, Ed Laivo and Tom Spellman of Dave Wilson Nursery give you advice on how to prune high-density fruit trees as they look at Santa Rosa plums, pluots and nectarines in their own orchard. Watch this video to learn how to open your trees up for sunlight and airflow while simultaneously managing fruit buds so as to ensure uniform, healthy fruit growth.

How To: Thin your fruit tree

Thinning, or pruning, is the most important step in getting the best fruit from your tree. In this tutorial from Dave Wilson Trees, you'll learn how to thin your own fruit trees as they look at the plum, peach, apricot, nectarine, aprium and pluot trees in their own orchard as part of their spring maintenance routine. Watch this video and learn how to keep your fruit trees healthy and bearing uniform, healthy fruit!

How To: Understand why apple trees need to be pruned

Each year an apple tree should produce three things: new growth, fruit buds on last year's and older growth, and fruit on those fruit buds formed in previous years. In order to keep an apple tree in balance and fruiting, one must prune. However, pruning is often done poorly. In this, the first installment of his series on practical apple tree pruning, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Heritage Apples looks at the general structure of the apple tree.

How To: Prune a Bramley apple tree

The Bramley is a large, heavy-cropping cooking apple popular for baking, making apple sauce and other apple dishes. In this two-part how-to series, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Heritage Apples demonstrates how to properly prune a Bramley apple tree and other apple trees with a similar habit of growth. Watch this instructional video to learn how to prune your own triploid and tip-bearing trees.

How To: Rind graft an apple or pear tree

Grafting, also known as "top working," is simple-but-essential technique that enables you to change the variety of fruit a tree bears. In this tutorial, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Apples Heritage demonstrates the rind grafting technique, a useful method for grafting over a sound-but-unwanted apple or pear tree.

How To: Understand the basics of apple tree pruning

Each year an apple tree should produce three things: new growth, fruit buds on last year's and older growth, and fruit on those fruit buds formed in previous years. In order to keep an apple tree in balance and fruiting, one must prune. However, pruning is too often done poorly. In this, the second installment of his series on practical apple tree pruning, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Heritage Apples looks goes over what to look for in a good secateurs, or pruning shears, and how to thin out sp...

How To: Graft over an apple tree

Grafting, also known as "top working," is simple-but-essential technique that enables you to change the variety of fruit a tree bears. In this tutorial, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Apples Heritage reviews the essentials of top working while discussing an apple tree that was successfully grafted a year prior.

How To: Prune a mature apple tree with secateurs or shears

In this instructional pruning video, Stephen Hayes of Fruitwise Heritage Apples prunes "shoots," or the leave-offs of past years' growth of the Egremont Russet apple tree. He uses secateurs, or pruning shears, and emphasizes the need for balance and fruit bud management. Watch as Stephen prunes a mature Egremont Russet and learn some instructional apple tree pruning tips.

How To: Care for a neglected apple tree with a pruning saw

Pruning a neglected apple tree is not difficult. Unless the tree is seriously post-mature, diseased or very badly situated, a few simple principles and a sharp saw will see it right. In this video, yet another installment in the Fruitwise apple pruning tutorial series, learn to utilize a pruning saw to remove whole branch systems that are diseased, too low, too crowded or crossing while leaving the rest of the tree alone.

How To: Organically fertilize a garden

Allen shows us how to organically fertilize your vegetable garden. Insect and pest control as well as fertilizer can be used to keep a garden safe for the whole family, as well as pets, as well as producing food free of chemicals. Watch this video gardening tutorial and learn how to organically fertilize a garden.

How To: Care for plaenopsis orchids

They're known the world over and grow in some pretty strange places. But, as Allen Smith shows us, orchids don't have to be foreign to you. They can however be tricky to care for. Phalenopsis orchids are a great orchid for beginners. Watch this video gardening tutorial and learn how to care for orchid flowers.

How To: Pot a rooted geranium cutting

The hard part of planting your geraniums is getting them to produce roots. Once you have done that it is important to transfer them to an adequate pot for further growth. This gardening how-to video demonstrates the proper way to pot up rooted geranium cuttings.

How To: Prune dead wood from Robinia trees

Robinia frisia limbs are prone to dying, that is why it is important to prune them properly. If you wait until the winter to prune the dead wood you wont be able to tell the difference between the dead wood and the dormant tree limb. In this how to video Martin Fish from Garden News explains how and when to prune dead wood from Robinia 'Frisia'.

How To: Make a thyme seat

By combining plants and a garden seat together you can create a lovely living seat that will look good all year round and if you use herbs to make the seat it will also smell good. In this how to video we are making a seat using thyme, but you could also use chamomile, pennyroyal or any low growing, fairly tough plants. This type of seat is mainly decorative because for much of the time the plants or compost will be damp, but if you use a cushion when sitting on the herbs you will get a wonde...

How To: Lift and store Dahlia tubers

Traditionally the time to lift Dahlia tubers is after the foliage has been frosted, but before it gets too cold that the tuber itself is affected. In this tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows you how to lift and store your Dahlia tubers for the winter.

How To: Repot lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo is a beautiful plant to keep in your home. In this tutorial, garden News correspondant Martin Fish shows viewers how to save lucky Bamboo from flower arrangements and regrow it into a houseplant. With the tips from this how to video you can repot lucky bamboo in your home.

How To: Repair cracked plant pots

You don't have to throw away those broken pots and re-pot the plants inside. In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News shows viewers how to repair cracked pots. With this the tips from this how to video you can save money on plant pots.

How To: Make leaf mold

Leaf molds are great way to make mulch for your garden. In this how to video, Martin Fish from Garden News explains how to make a leaf mold. Follow the steps to make a leaf mold and by this time next year you will have lovely mulch for your garden.

How To: Tie in climbing plants

It is ideal to tie your climbing plants against a wall in order to train it to grow up. In this how to video, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to use a new product called Soft-Tie to tie his climbing plants.

How To: Prick out Foxglove seedlings

In this gardening tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to prick out Foxglove seedlings. "Pricking out" is when seedlings are transplanted into larger pots or trays to give them more room to grow on. The ideal time to do this is when the seedlings are at the two-leaf stage and before the true leaves have developed, or as soon as they are large enough to handle.

How To: Create a bog garden in a container

Learn how to create a bog garden in containers with this gardening tutorial. There are some lovely plants for growing in damp, boggy conditions, but if your soil is well drained and dries out quickly these bog plants will struggle to grow. A simple way of growing bog plants is in a large container such as a half barrel that has no drainage holes in the base. The barrel when wet will seal and hold water very well keeping the compost moist at all times. What you may need to do if the barrel is ...

How To: Make hanging plant baskets

One of the best ways to add summer colour to your garden or patio is with hanging baskets. Now is the perfect time to plant up baskets in order to give the plants a few weeks to establish before they are hung outside after the danger of frost has passed. Learn how to make a beautiful hanging baskets with this tutorial.

How To: Plant and care for sweet peas

Learn how you can plant and care for sweet peas with this gardening tutorial. Sweet peas are one of the best annual climbing plants for the garden and they can be grown in several different ways to get a superb display of flowers through the summer months. Traditionally sweet peas were sown in the autumn and planted out in early April, but spring sown plants can be planted out into May and will still flower well, albeit slightly later. If you haven't sown any seeds but would like to grow some...

How To: Plant and care for Rhododendrons

Rhododendrons must have lime-free soil and that can make them tricky for some of us that garden on neutral or limey soils. Planting in the garden is a waste of time and money. If you want, you can make a raised bed and fill that with acid soil but digging a hole in your garden and filling it with acid (ericaceous) compost only works for a while. The water from the surrounding soil will drain in and spread the lime and although you can acidify soil with sulphur chips you really are making life...

How To: Repot plants

Potted plants of all kinds, whether in the house, greenhouse or outside, need repotting eventually. There are several reasons, the most obvious being that they simply get larger and top-heavy. Most houseplants don't need repotting that often because, if we give them plenty of liquid fertilizer in the growing season, they won't be short of nutrients and should therefore be healthy.

How To: Plant Sempervivum in a pot

Sempervivum or Houseleeks are extremely hearty breed of succulent plants that can grow in very arid areas. Sempervivum are a great plant to have because they require very little care. In this garden tutorial, Martin Fish from Garden News demonstrates how to create a simple & effective Sempervivum pot that will look good throughout the Winter.

How To: Prick out bedding

If you grow your own bedding plants one of the main jobs over the next few weeks is 'pricking out'. This is when seedlings are transplanted into larger pots or trays to give them more room to grow on. The ideal time to do this is when the seedlings are at the two-leaf stage and before the true leaves have developed, or as soon as they are large enough to handle. When done at this stage of growth there is less shock and root disturbance to the seedlings and they will establish and grow on much...

How To: Prune climbing roses

We prune roses for several reasons. Regular pruning helps to keep their size under control, though we must remember that all roses have a predetermined 'ideal' size. We also prune to shape the plant. We take out dead stems to prevent the dead area spreading back into healthy stems. But the main reason we prune is to make the rose more vigorous. This tutorial teaches you how to prune climbing roses for the best results.